Opis 60s Cable FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my Opis 60s cable telephone not ring?

The Opis 60s cable ringer should work when connected to any analogue phone socket, including those present in splitters, boxes, transformers, routers, etc. In order to ensure this our engineers have invented a ringer cicuit that converts any ringing signal into one capable of driving a real mechanical bell. However, this technology is not yet present in the very early generations of the Opis 60s cable.

What can I do if my Opis 60s cable fails to ring?

Please contact us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and send us the serial number of your Opis 60s cable (on a label underneath the phone, starting in SN:) together with a description of the problem you are encountering. Should your phone be a modell that does not yet include the new ringer circuit we will upgrade it free of charge. Of course our technicians will also look into any other technical issues on an individual basis and do their utmost to find solutions to each and every one of them.

Background: How do you ring a real mechanical bell?

The bell of a classic telephone is mechanical. This ringer does not require battery or mains power. It is directly driven by the signal on the telephone cable. This signal needs to be the right amplitude (strength) and frequency (speed). As long as a ringing signal conforms to these requirements there is no problem with classical telephone equipment, as is the case for all direct phone line connections.

In many cases, however, a splitter, box, transformer, switch or some other device is put in between the phone line and the telephone. This is fine as long as the device correctly generates the ringing signal. Unfortunately, this is not the case for about 5% of all devices. Their ringing signals are no longer standards conformant and cannot directly ring a mechanical bell. They can only work directly with electronic bells.

This is why our engineers have developed a ringer circuit that renders any ringing signal standards conformant and ensures that the metal bell in the Opis 60s cable rings reliably when connected to any analogue socket.