Do I need the classic 2G or the new 4G version?

General considerations

The Opis 60s/PushMeFon mobile exists in two versions. classic 2G, which is cheaper but requires an operating 2G network to be used and 4G, which works in all countries but costs a little more. See our Desktop mobile overview here.

We generally suggest to go for the classic version if your country and chosen network operator offer support for 2 years or more and go for the 4G version if this is not the case. However, please note that real 2G shutdown dates are almost impossible to get. For example, T-Mobile USA have delayed their 2G shutdown at least 5 times by a total of more than 3 years. We are not aware of any occasions where a shutdown was accelerated, but we cannot make any guarrantees.

With that said, please find our list of countries and operators along with the phone models compatible. If a country is not listed, it means all of our models should work in it.

Overview for Europe


  • Countries coloured red require the 4G version of our mobile phones
  • Countries coloured yellow are compatible with all of our mobile phones, but may require the 4G version for certain providers from the date listed
  • Countries coloured green are compatible with all of our mobile phones for at least 2 years (as of August 2024)
  • Countries coloured grey do not provide sufficient information for determining which phone version is needed

2g mobile network support in Europe

Specific Country Information

The list is valid as of January 2025 to the best of our knowlegde (please also see:

(If in doubt, please ask your network provider if they provide 2G service. We cannot assume any responsibility for the correctness of this information.)


On Vodafone you need the 4G versions of our mobile phones from December 2030.


On Telstra (Christmas Islands only) all of our mobile phones work.

On all other networks (including Telstra on the mainland) you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Orange from the end of 2030 you need to use the 4G version of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On China Unicom you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On aAll other operators you can use all versions of our mobile phones.

Czech Republic

On Vodafone from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On T-Mobile from 2028 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On O2 you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Hi3G Denmark ApS you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On DNA from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Alands Telekommunikation from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Telia Finland Oyj you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Orange from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On SFR from December 2026 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Bouygues Telecom from December 2026 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Vodafone from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Vodafone from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On JIO/Reliance you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Three you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Salt you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Telia from December 2028 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On UAB Tele 2 from December 2028 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Post Luxembourg from December 2026 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Telcel (and Qui Móvil) you can use all versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On T-Mobile (and Tele 2 - which uses T-Mobile's network) you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Vodafone from December 2026 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On KPN from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

New Zealand

On 2degrees you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On One NZ from March 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Vodafone you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On T-Mobile from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Orange from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Vodafone from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Telekom Romania from 2029 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Orange Romani from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phone


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On A1 from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phone


On Orange from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phone

South Korea

On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On Vodafone from December 2030 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On Tele 2 from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On Telia from December 2025 you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

Trinidad and Tobago

On Digicel, Flow you can use all versions of our mobile phones.

On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.


On iD Mobile you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones.

On all other networks you can use all versions of our mobile phones.


On all networks you need to use the 4G versions of our mobile phones. (Please also see BYOD considerations for compatible providers.)

All other countries

Service should be available via the mainstream network operators. (Some speciality network operators - notably 3/Three - may surcharge for use of a 2G service or block it. It is best either to avoid them or to find out the exact conditions beforehand.)